“Remember the keys to successful solutions always involve a humane human response that meets the pet’s needs.” - Dr. Karen Overall
Online Training Classes
Online - $100
*Due to all material being sent in the first week so you can work at your own pace, there will be NO refunds for online training.
Puppy Class (8 - 24 weeks of age)
This class is for your new best friend! Intro to Clicker, Sit, Down, Recall, Leave it, Loose Leash Walking, Crate Training, Confidence Building, Positive Handling, Socialization and Protocol for Deference.
Grade 1 (6 - 12 months of age)
This class is for anyone who missed out on Puppy Class or who wants to expand their training knowledge. Intro to Clicker, refresh of puppy class cues, Tricks (spin, twist, bow, weave, ring a bell, 4-paws, skateboard, etc.) Stay, Protocol for Relaxation and Protocol for Deference. A great class for a mature puppy!
Time-Out Teen (1+ years)
This class is for the rebellious adolescent dog. Intro to Clicker, recall with distractions, Jumping, Leash Pulling, Barking, Leave it, Focus, Protocol for Relaxation, Protocol for Deference and Umbilical Cord Training. We will try our best to address everyone's struggles.
Contact us to register!
*Prices do not include HST